Belrobotics launches Wisenav

Wireless lane mowin and 3 times more efficiency for sports fields

Yamabiko Europe, the technology leader for robotic mowers for large lawns, launches Wisenav for all Belrobotics brand GPS-RTK models. Wisenav is a complete system that allows robots to mow in lanes by wire or wirelessly, achieve 3x higher efficiency and very flexibly adjust working zones.

Pattern mowing for three times more area without a wire
Belrobotics presents its latest innovation on automatic robotic mowers for the benefit of professionals, sports clubs and owners of large estates. The GPS-RTK models (the Bigmows BM-2050 and BM-1050, as well as the Ballpicker BP-1250) can now operate without a wire using the rectilinear pattern (pattern mowing). They can also mow or just avoid specific areas indicated by the user. The edges of the mowing area are also better mown with the border mode.

Wisenav – a complete system
Wisenav (Wireless Satellite Exact Navigation) is a complete system offered by Belrobotics and this consists of:
– A robot equipped with GPS-RTK technology*.
– An RTK base that transmits position corrections.
– A charging station.
– Work zones demarcated virtually or by a wire. Wireless virtual demarcation is possible if the GPS-RTK quality is good, otherwise the use of a wire is convenient to still be able to work with a robot.
– A portal website and an APP to smoothly control and monitor the robot. It is also possible via this to adjust the robot’s working schedules and settings.

An installation that is even simpler and less expensive
The installation of a robot on a new site is made even easier by these novelties, as an underground perimeter cable is no longer needed. This is also an advantage for customers who want to test a robot over a short period of time.
If there are obstacles on the terrain, short-term work or evolutions over time, the user can set and adjust « no-go » zones themselves with their fingertips.

An application that makes your life easier
Besides installing the robot, the daily use in the application has also been improved and made easier. You will still have access to a range of data and setting values, but from now on you can also set, copy or delete the GPS zones to be mowed as well as the zones to be avoided yourself. The safety zone is the only zone to be set by our technician.

Once a zone is set, the robot gets to work. It calculates the new zone and defines itself how to reach it, taking into account the prohibited zones on its route. Afterwards, it mows the plot respecting the restrictions and the set cutting height, etc. You can follow its work via the application, but know that the robot will follow all guidelines and warn you if there is the slightest problem.

The advantage of this update is that you can tailor mowing to changes on the terrain. Is a zone under water? Then you can continue to mow your terrain without any problems by simply excluding this zone. You undoubtedly need maximum flexibility and that is what this update can offer you.

The features of this free update
If you already have an RTK robot with RTK station, this update is of course free of charge. However, if you have an older model such as the Connected Line random mowing, upgrading your station will involve an additional cost. However, in exchange for this cost, you will get huge benefits such as a mowing capacity that is up to three times higher for the GPS RTK models and an application that allows you to self-manage the zones to be mowed and excluded.

*Simplified scheme of GPS – RTK technology:
Using RTK (Real Time Kinematic), the Belrobotics robot can operate continuously with 3-5 centimetre accuracy despite being in motion. The Bigmow has a built-in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver that hijacks geospatial positioning data from various satellite constellations (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, Beidou…). It combines those varying placements with exact corrections sent to it by a fixed nearby RTK base. The RTK base knows its exact position and it does not vary. Using these corrections, the Belrobotics robotic mower’s mobile GNSS receiver calculates a very accurate position.